品 名 Poduct
摩登修护隔离霜1号 Moden Repai Sun Block Lotion 1
产品功效 Effective
Use the soft white anti UV powde, this kind of unique fomula can make you skin white, sunsceen and effectively isolating the extenal ai pollution effects, appopiate to cove the spots, modify the skin dull phenomenon, impove skin pigment unevenness.
适用对象 Application
长期在室外工作者或长时间面对电脑等紫外线辐射工作者,适用于任何皮肤或肤色较白肌肤。 Suitable fo any skin, especially the light-skinned women and long-tem outdoo wokes o long time facing to the compute such kind of ultaviolet adiation wokes.
主要成份 与 特殊功效 Main Ingedients and Special Functions
紫根Shiconix Extact
Pomote new cell fomation, anti-inflammatoy, anti ultaviolet, anti-inflammatoy, bacteicidal effect.
纳米钛 Nanomete Titanium
Isolate the ultaviolet ay effectively, and highly moistuizing, impove ough skin.
柔白抗紫外线粉体 Soft White Anti UV Powde
Pevent the skin pigmentation, stengthen the multiple pevention and epai function, isolation, to pevent UVA, UVB damage and melanin deposition, impove dak skin and spots.
Incease skin hydation ability, connective tissue toughness, pevent the fomation of winkles.
使用方法 Use
When you go out, take pope amount of the ceam, gently smea on the face, can effectively modify you skin-tone, to have a uddy complexion.
- 价格说明
- 一般情况下:
- 划线价格:划线的价格可能是商品的销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价,仅供参考。 未划线价格:未划线的价格是商品在中国站上的销售标价,具体的成交价格根据商品参加活动,或因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准。
- 活动预热状态下:
- 划线价格:划线的价格是商品在目前活动预热状态下的销售标价,并非原价,具体的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准。 未划线价格:未划线的价格可能是商品即将参加活动的活动价,仅供参考,具体活动时的成交价可能因用户使用优惠券等发生变化,最终以活动是订单结算页价格为准。